Words of Sacred Devotion for Women Longing to Uncover the Raw, Unfettered Truth of Life, Love, and Our Shared Humanity

I offer you a treasure chest filled with art, poetry, musings, activations, meditations, revelations, and inspiring quotes.

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Words of Sacred Devotion for Women Longing to Uncover the Raw, Unfettered Truth of Life, Love, and Our Shared Humanity

I offer you a treasure chest filled with art, poetry, musings, activations, meditations, revelations, and inspiring quotes.

Alchemising Soul Wounds

Alchemising Soul Wounds

Alchemising Soul WoundsLalena Rose
Published on: 07/02/2025

We spoke only truth to each other, confessed all our darkest secrets, all our inadequacies, all our deepest fears. We said the things we dreaded to say, things we had never told anyone else before.

My Soul Where Are You

My Soul Where Are You

My Soul Where Are YouLalena Rose
Published on: 01/10/2024

My soul, where are you? Do you hear me? I speak, I call you - are you there? I have returned, I am here again. I have shaken the dust of all the lands from my feet, and I have come to you, I am with you.


I wrote these for me. I wrote these for you

May we dance and weave together. May the Great Mother awaken within you. May you feel empowered to speak the truth as you see it, sharing your knowing, insight, wisdom and gifts.

You Are So Needed And So Valued.

Do Not Be Afraid.

You Were Born To Do This.

I wrote these for me. I wrote these for you

May we dance and weave together. May the Great Mother awaken within you. May you feel empowered to speak the truth as you see it, sharing your knowing, insight, wisdom and gifts.

You Are So Needed And So Valued.

Do Not Be Afraid.

You Were Born To Do This.

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